Himalaya Girl

Himalaya Girl

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Shoreline...ummm..we think

Ok so on our bike ride we decided to go the shore...the ocean...think it would be a huge green/blue ocean that would just call your name to put your feet in...and this is what we got.

Yup this is definitely the second deepest port in the world with enough stuff to keep you staring for years...and it's not because it was pretty.

We carried our bikes up this "road" to get to the top of this huge wall that blocks your view of the ocean. Well the mountains were beautiful...and there are quite a few islands around the port...even one that has a bridge you can bike over. So maybe we can go there one day and it might be nice..or cleaner or something.

On top of the wall we took a break, Drank some water and tried to figure out where were on the map that is all written in Chinese. That was an experience. Once again it was Avis, Alissa, Robbie, Doug and I.

That is the four girls on the top of the wall. This was where we started to think about turning around but ended up going for another two hours. And we forgot to feed the Doug every couple of hours.

So the shore was a long stretch of mud flat and the water was as brown as the mud...none of us touched it...so no third arms are growing.


Terry said...

Thanks for sending the link. We were wondering about you just the other day. We hiked Gulf Hagas, and enjoyed the fall foliage. It is so fun to see your pictures and read the stories. Thanks...from a jealous traveler-wannabe!

MadPadler said...

Love to see the photos, and a taste of China!!!! There is a girl in OE from Japan and I think she had a eye opener this weekend camping....can't even begin to image what you have seen, heard, and learned. Can't wait for more of China.