Himalaya Girl

Himalaya Girl

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Keefe's Come to China!

We were fortunate enough to get some more visitors here in Ningbo! They included Ben and Alex Keefe, Doug is racing Ben around the school track here.

Here is Ben and Dad, Chris, getting around with a local Pedi-Cab in the heart of Beilun. It cost about $.60 to get from one end of town to the other at our apartment. As this photo shows, they enjoyed the ride (even the driver!)

Guess who likes this ride? This is Alex and mom, Beth, getting to race dad and ben keefe.
We are really lucky to have family that would come all the way over to see us. They got to see Beijing, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Ningbo, and Shanghai. Well done, and thanks for coming!

Plant Shopping

This is the huge greenhouse we went to to pick up new plants for our new apartment. The runner in the family is scoping things out!

This is the runner in the family trying to tricycle away. We all wanted to take this vehicle home to Mr. Palmer for his garage to garden commute!

This is Shirley holding up a plant that is full of "Venus Fly Trap-Like" bulbs. These bulbous portions hold water and also trap prey inside. They were amazing!

This is Tim and Kirst roaming around the nearly one square kilometer facility!

Chinese Chicken Hill

Howdy there sports fans. We're coming to you live from Beilun, China and we're bringing you a fun filled expedition that included great uphill biking and backcountry cycling! This is Ken Li, our great friend, personal guide (just kidding), and PE teacher at AIAN!

This is the bride taking a quick water break. It was pretty steamy even though there wasn't a digital thermometer stamp on the photos. These are the hills to the west of where our school is and after the long climb up the hill dubbed, "Chinese Chicken Hill" by Robbie which also has a tunnel at its pinnacle followed by a wicked long down hill! I remember my speedometer reading 35 mph!

These gentleman were some smiley guys we ran into in the bush. They got a good kick out of us while they were on their way back for lunch. Most people we know, don't get a to experience as many authentic encounters. Robbie and Ken both have been really good about getting us out and teaching us how important it is to explore.

This was a result of Doug trying to jump a concrete aquifer. The front tire made it fine, the rear got a snakebite. OOPS! Ken had never fixed a flat before and insisted he do it. So far, so good. I haven't lost the rear tire! You're the man Xiong Di!

Vball for AIAN

This fall, I got to coach the boys team at AIAN. It was a surprise when the original volunteer backed out after the first practice, but I think it worked out ok.

The boys I got to work with were hard working and willing to try anything, especially have fun and get better.

We hosted the tournament in Beilun, even though we don't have an in indoor facility. We borrowed a local Chinese HS gym and it worked well enough.

We didn't win any games, our experience was a little less than other teams. We had two high school students, and only one of them could reach the top of the net.

We were the only team that had MS students, but they carried themselves with class and character and fought for every point we got.
Overall, it was a huge success and we earned the respect of other teams. We also won the sportsmanship award, something I hope they take great pride in!

Check out the video below. It was taken from the local TV news channel. Press the arrow in the bottom left hand corner.


So back in September, Kirst had the job of organizing a schoolwide event called Pinwheels for Peace. This is an event that expresses our school's commitment to promoting peaceful actions and philosophies to our students. It also allows students to show their concepts of what peace is to them.

The students were able to make small pinwheels out of paper, chopsticks, pipe cleaners, and beads in classes. Depending upon the grade level, they had to do some class discussions, research, or higher order project to further promote peace around the world.

The most interesting component, is that thousands of schools all over the world were doing the same thing. This wasn't a Chinese activity, it was a global activity!

Praise to Kirst for all her additional efforts to make this even go smoothly, effectively, and worthwhile for all the staff and students. She made it real and easy, often a challenging concept for adults! Way to go KJPT!!!

February Update

We realized that it has indeed way too long since our last entry. Hopefully we still have a few interested readers out there. Kirsten and I have been rather occupied with a variety of events. Most recently, the job fair in Iowa, the center of the universe itself!

We will be making some back logs of our events to the best of our ability. Hang with us, we'll try to make it right and give lots of photos to go along!

Stay tuned!