Himalaya Girl

Himalaya Girl

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Japanese Resturant and Food

OK so this is one of the Japanese restaurants that we go to. For 100 R.M.B. which is about 13 dollars per person you can eat and drink all that you want. YUP EAT AND DRINK ALL THAT YOU WANT.
Can you believe it? We do this once a week or maybe every two weeks. We eat lots of sushi which is very good and some other very random things that taste good for the most part. We order from pictures sometimes...and sometimes we don't know how we ended up with things.

Here is a picture of me eating a craw fish or something...ummm...it was marinated in something and it was a heck of a lot of work for not a lot of pay off! But everyday is an adventure in China.

Yup raw fish...for all I know it was caught in the stream were people wash their feet in earlier that day....but it tastes really good.

I know I know you would have never guessed it but here is Doug eating the same thing as me. We made a deal, we try everything at last once...so far it is working out OK.

Yup more food. It's like a five hour eating fest.

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