Himalaya Girl

Himalaya Girl

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Dark Cave!!!!!

Ok so here we are...now there are not many pictures of this cave because you can not take many pictures or the bats would probably attack you. Yup the bats...so Doug and I discovered this cave as we were walking out of the Main Hindu cave. And decided to pay for a tour..thinking that it wouldn't be so bad.....
So it said this in four different languages....and we still went. I honestly thought I would be ok because I had done some creepy stuff before but....

So we had to wear hard hat and head lamps and boot that we got to borrow. Doug and I also bought socks there so we didn't have to share as many foot cooties with everyone.

Pretty amazing that you can look this good when you are about to walk in a very dark cave and think that you are not going to get creeped out. So Doug and I and four other people have decided to brave the cave with our guide. We thought it was going to be an half an hour tour but little did we know.....these other people were wearing sandals...no way I was going to walk around in bat poop with sandals on. Ok we start walking and it smells so bad that one lady wrapped a tissue around her face..like that was going to help. Then the guide starts talking about the cockroaches that eat the bat poop...and you can see them run around. Well by then i had kind of blocked him out because I have my fists clenched so tight that there wasn't any blood going anywhere else. All that was going through my head was rabies, bat poop, and cockroaches. Then the next thing I know is I feel something drop on me...yup...I GOT SHAT ON BY A BAT. So me taking pictures slowly became out of the question and I only took a few. Well needless to say I we left the Batu Caves and I went a took a shower!!!

No idea what this is a picture of I just know it was in cave...sometime in the cave!!!!

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