Himalaya Girl

Himalaya Girl

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Party for the ex-pats in China....

So they called it a New Years party but I think it was suppose to be a Holiday Party. Now do we have pictures of this? Yes most definitely. Doug put them up on flickr...once you read some of the captions and read this blog I think you might laugh your ass off.

Now how did it start. Well every once in awhile..maybe once or twice a month the school gets invited to random free things...such as dinner, and free trip, a boat ride, whatever you can imagine. Now it has the word free in it so Doug and I usually go. (this is where my sister would roll her eyes) I understand this is the first time we are a two income household but...we still like the word free. At first I was thinking lame...but Doug said we should do it...well I am so glad we did.

First there was about 20 of us. Yup 20 of us who liked the word free...little did we know that included beverages, and entertainment!
We get in a school van and go to this hotel that I did not know existed in Beliun and it was pretty nice. They put us in this ballroom type of room with cameras on us...mics, piano, and tons of other stuff...there were a lot of EX-PATS.
There is already a bottle of wine on the table for us. There was also a huge buffet out...already...(no worries I will get to the ice cream later....)

We take our seats...and they tell us there will be a show...by the way there is one dude there dressed as Santa Claus...he was on your team.

Well we had singers from the Poly-tech College...I didn't understand it but they were good. Then we had a magician and he had a little crush on me...yup I got chosen to be his helper...and he made me touch him...he was about 500 years old....I was bright red and my wonderful husband good not stop laughing and saying that's my girl.

Next we had a sword swallower...three swords...I got chosen again to touch the swords...they were real. Little scary...kind of gross but really really cool.

Then there was a man who did this face changing dance it was really neat...he had these masks that would roll up with changing of his facial features.

Then Santa and some people sang. Finally it was time for the white people to do something stupid and have a beer drinking contest...I went right up there with my principal so I wasn't the only idiot. No worries a German won, and he got a present.
Then we had two gentleman serenade us with a violin and piano...and our music teacher played the piano...she's good. Last but not least people got up to do speeches...painful but if you do like the Chinese and ignore what ever is going on and talk and don't pay attention to the act then you are fine.
The food was pretty good they even had fruit pizza...yup tons of fruit on the pizza and then you ate it. Hey it was good.
We spent the whole night laughing and having a good time. There are days that laughing is all you can do but I will tell you what this wouldn't have been half as fun with out the people I was with...including Doug.

Can't wait for break just a few more days away...promise to write more....soon...please take a look at the pictures Doug did an awesome job.